
09 November 2023

Characters of Ayrburn - The Spinster


As soon as William was confident he had built a home that would comfortably accommodate his family, he sent for Bessie and their children to join him from Victoria.

An overjoyed Bessie immediately broke the news to her two younger sisters. They were to sail for New Zealand forthwith. Maryanne was easily swayed. But Louise was worried about the journey. She’d heard about the rough Tasman seas and the even rougher meals that passengers were required to suffer during their crossing. She did not see why being a hundred leagues from land should stand in the way of a decent meal. “Yes”, she admitted “I am somewhat particular”. “Particularly difficult,” Bessie whispered to a giggling Maryanne.

Louise eventually agreed to accompany the family to New Zealand on one condition. She would be allowed more than her fair share of luggage to accommodate the cured meats, preserves, two cows and goat she needed for the journey. “Two cows and a goat?” Bessie exclaimed. “Naturally,” was Louise’s answer. The cows would provide her (and stocks permitting) the rest of the family with a fresh supply of milk. And Albus the goat because it was essential that she be able to make her excellent goat’s cheese at Ayrburn. Although Bessie secretly suspected that Louise wanted to bring Albus for company as much as cheese.

So Bessie, Maryanne, Louise, the children, two cows and Albus the goat boarded the ship bound for Bluff. Upon arrival, Louise declared that the crossing had been uncomfortable, but bearable. Thanks, of course, to her provisions. Bessie had been re-united with her dear William. Maryanne was married a few years after her landing in New Zealand. But Louise turned out to be just as particular about men as she was about food, the consequence being that any devotion that ordinarily would have been lavished on a spouse was instead reserved for her four-legged friends.