
23 February 2024

Wine Tasting 'how-to' with Henry


Henry De Salengre is Ayrburn's inhouse Sommelier and Drinks Manager. He's a lover of wine and tasty fresh cocktails. We caught up with Henry to ask a few simple questions about how to taste wine (and look like you know what you're doing).


Wine tasting can seem a bit daunting if you’re new to the wine world. All the swirling and smelling, how do you do it properly? How do I swirl my glass without spiling my wine everywhere and looking like an amateur?

A lot of people see it as a test and think there are right and wrong answers with lots of rules. Not us! We want you to enjoy the process of tasting wine no matter how your swirl goes. Take some tips from us about how to perfect your sipping and get your nostrils right in the wine and start to learn what wines you really like. The one and only rule we have in wine tasting? Enjoy it!


See Hold your glass of wine up against a piece of white paper or a white tablecloth – (your tasting notes can come in handy for this), so you can see the true colour of the wine. Tilt the glass towards the paper, and look at the colour closest to the rim. Is it glowing pink? A red edge? A lighter yellow frame?


Swirl Hold the glass on your table, or a smooth level surface. I like to hold the bottom of the stem between my forefinger and middle finger and swirl. This gives air to the wine allowing for some evaporation and releasing the aromas (and helps you not to spill any!). Swirl, swirl, swirl… Check out how the wine rolls back down the side of the glass, thick droplets can mean a sweeter or higher alcohol wine.


Sniff Get your nose right in there! Inhale deeply. See if you can pick up the difference of scents that come from the grapes – like fruits, herbs, and floral notes – and those that come from the winemaking process, such as vanilla and cedar. There are cheats to getting this right, like knowing older Pinot Noirs will start to display aromas of forest floor and mushroom. Now you’re becoming a pro!


Sip As you sip the wine, roll it over your tongue and slurp a little bit of air in through your teeth. (Maybe avoid this one on first dates). Let the wine touch your teeth and cheeks. Get all your taste buds involved so you can identify both the fruity and savoury elements of the wine. Be sure to sip the wine twice, as the first sip can shock the palate, whereas the second can give you a better idea of the flavour profile.


Savour Now… enjoy. Savour the taste and let the ‘finish’ of the wine plays its part. You’re looking for how long that flavour stays and how intense the different flavours are. What is lingering for you, and what can you taste after each sip?

Life it too short for bad wine. If you’re not into whatever is in your glass, try something else. Each palate is different, and so much depends on the day, the food pairing, the company, the temperature, or your mood!


Finding a tipple that allows you to enjoy each of these steps might mean you’ve found your wine winner. Settle in, share the bottle, and make sure to order a box to take home and show off to your friends about your newfound wine-tasting talents.

